Newsletter Masterclass

Newsletter Masterclass

Over the last six years, I've written 600+ newsletters.

Those newsletters have helped to build an audience of nearly 50K subscribers and generate nearly $1M in total revenue (including ~$100K in sponsorship revenue).

There are a lot of potential content strategies available to creators...but I believe email should be part of every single creator's content strategy.

This two-hour masterclass will help you get your newsletter off to a strong start (shaving months or even years off of the time it took ME to get rolling).

In this masterclass, you'll learn:

🛠 The best tools I recommend

👀 How to get opens and clicks

🎯 How to write great subject lines

📓 How to generate content ideas that resonate

📈 How to grow your newsletter

💰 How to sell your own products and offers

Don't just take my word for it...

Enroll in the newsletter masterclass

Nearly 500 creators have enrolled already!

I'll help you get reader reviews like this:

Get this course free when you join The Lab!

All of my workshops and courses (including this one) are provided as a complimentary benefit of being a member of The Lab – and that includes Starter members.

If you're interested in joining The Lab, learn more here.

Or, hear what one of our favorite members, Claire, has to say about it:

Enroll in the newsletter masterclass

Nearly 500 creators have enrolled already!

Who is this masterclass a good fit for?

This masterclass is designed for anyone who wants to employ a regular email newsletter as part of their content strategy.

✅ If you have not yet begun an email newsletter, this is for you.

✅ If you've begun a newsletter but have not yet gotten traction, this is for you.

✅ If you feel like things just aren't quite working yet, this is for you.

Photo of Jay Clouse

Hey! I'm Jay Clouse 👋

I'm the founder of Creator Science. Through our newsletter, podcast, membership, and YouTube channel, Creator Science helps you become a smarter creator.

Previously, I led the Community Experience team for Pat Flynn and Smart Passive Income, designing their paid membership community and cohort-based courses.